Dctm VFS JCommander Plugin Development

The JCommander Plugin consists of two modules, a Plugin Fragment and a Feature.

The sources are hosted in a Subversion repository. You can do a manual checkout or use a Project Set File.

Project Set File

To ease the checkout of both modules you can use a Project Set File. For this, you need the Subclipse plugin.

Complete plugin sources

You can also checkout the whole Dctm VFS Project


or the Dctm VFS JCommander plugin.


Used libraries

The plugin uses two libraries:

  • dctm-vfs-provider-1.O-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • bsh-core-2.0b4.jar

    For cleaner source control these jars are not included in svn repository. This means you'll have to put them in the plugin directory yourself.

    There are two options:

    • Download the Dctm VFS Provider jar from the Dctm VFS download page and the Beanshell jar from the Beanshell download page adn put them in your plugin directory.
    • Or, alternatively, checkout the whole Dctm VFS Project module and build and install it (see the Dctm VFS Provider development page. To place the file in your plugin directory you can then use Ant with the build.xml script.